Your Mindful Adventure to Grand Canyon Awaits…

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It’s those big epic experiences that I love. It’s the highlight reel of our life that we create on a daily basis.

What does your highlight reel look like? Mine includes, of course, my marriage to my incredible wife, my amazing funny, smart, and rambunctious children and my friends and extended family. Those are the most important things in my life. Then, there are my own personal, call them selfish, moments.

I would include my career as an adventure racer, my Ironman finish, running the Inca trail in a day, the Boston Marathon, climbing Mt Kilimanjaro, the Leadville 100 MTB, just to name a few.

Madison, Lauren, Me & Liam – Bright Angel Trail, Grand Canyon – 2021

I do look back at those epic experiences and I understand what went into them. I trained for months, thought about them day in and day out. How would the experience happen? What would go wrong? What would go right? Then I surrender to the experience itself. I keep my eyes open, wide open, and take in all the beauty around me. I allow the experience, the nature, the people, the energy, all to fill my soul. It is with that full soul of love and that connectedness to Mother Nature that motivates me to do what I do.

Coming this November 30 – Dec 4, I’ve created an experience for you. It is a Mindful Adventure Retreat to the Grand Canyon. Are you ready to do the same?

Take time away from your daily schedule. Immerse yourself into one of the 7 Wonders of the Natural World. If you so choose, you can train for some epic hikes while we’re there. A small group of people will be doing what’s called a “double crossing” or a Rim2Rim2Rim challenge. Most people will not be doing that, but will be hiking down into the canyon to feel the Colorado River and come back up.

We’ll be eating amazing food, staying at El Tovar Hotel and Bright Angel Hotel.

You can find more details and how to register here.

If you can find it in your budget and in your heart to join us, this will be the trip of a lifetime!

Panorama pic of Grand Canyon

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