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Experience Enhanced Athletic Recovery with Sports Massage and Deep Tissue Bodywork with Ted

Are you an athlete looking to optimize your recovery and performance? Look no further than sports massage and deep tissue bodywork. As an athlete for my entire life and especially as a mid-life athlete, I know there is truly nothing more important than recovery. The faster we recover, the faster we can get back out and train. 

I’ve been working on, and with, bodies for over 20 years. From massage to yoga to personal training, I have developed eyes and hands, that see and feel where the issues originate. 

As an endurance athlete, I am uniquely qualified to understand and help other athletes through injuries, chronic pain and general soreness. 

I specialize in sports massage (deeper than Swedish, not as deep as deep tissue) and deep tissue bodywork techniques. They offer a plethora of benefits that can aid in your post-exercise recovery and overall well-being. Below are just a few of the benefits specifically for athletes. Let’s delve into why these massages are essential for athletes and how they can propel you towards your fitness goals.

Book your session now! (just enter the correct amount. I will respond to schedule a time within 24hrs)
30 min session – $80
60 min session – $150
75 min session – $180
90 min session – $205
25% off 60 min or more for Breakfast Club members.

Benefits of Sports Massage for Athletic Recovery:

  • Improved Circulation: Sports massage enhances blood flow to muscles, aiding in the removal of metabolic waste products such as lactic acid. This improved circulation facilitates faster recovery, reducing soreness and fatigue post-exercise.
  • Enhanced Flexibility: Through targeted stretching and manipulation techniques, sports massage can increase joint flexibility and range of motion. This is crucial for athletes to prevent injuries and perform at their peak.
  • Reduced Muscle Tension: Intense physical activity can lead to muscle tightness and knots. Sports massage targets these areas, releasing tension and promoting muscle relaxation, which can alleviate discomfort and improve mobility.
  • Injury Prevention: Regular sports massage sessions can identify areas of muscular imbalance or tightness before they escalate into injuries. By addressing these issues proactively, athletes can prevent injuries and maintain their training regimen uninterrupted.
  • Psychological Benefits: Beyond the physical aspects, sports massage offers psychological benefits by promoting relaxation and stress reduction. This mental rejuvenation is vital for athletes to maintain focus and motivation throughout their training and competitions.

Book your session now! (just enter the correct amount. I will respond to schedule a time within 24hrs)
30 min session – $80
60 min session – $150
75 min session – $180
90 min session – $205
25% off 60 min or more for Breakfast Club members.

Benefits of Deep Tissue Bodywork for Athletic Recovery:

  • Breaks Down Scar Tissue: Deep tissue bodywork penetrates beyond the superficial layers of muscle, targeting deep-seated tension and scar tissue. This promotes tissue repair and regeneration, aiding in the recovery process from strenuous workouts or injuries.
  • Pain Relief: Athletes often experience chronic pain due to overuse or repetitive strain. Deep tissue bodywork can effectively alleviate this pain by releasing trigger points and reducing inflammation, allowing athletes to train and compete with greater comfort.
  • Improved Posture: Over time, poor posture can lead to imbalances in muscle length and strength. Deep tissue bodywork addresses these imbalances by releasing tight muscles and restoring proper alignment, which is essential for optimal athletic performance and injury prevention.
  • Enhanced Performance: By optimizing muscle function and alleviating restrictions, deep tissue massage can enhance athletic performance. Athletes may experience improved power, speed, and agility, enabling them to excel in their respective sports.
  • Faster Recovery: Deep tissue bodywork accelerates the recovery process by promoting circulation and flushing out toxins accumulated during intense exercise. This enables athletes to bounce back quicker from workouts or competitions, reducing downtime and maximizing training efficiency.

Take Action Towards Your Athletic Goals:

Ready to experience the transformative benefits of sports massage and deep tissue bodywork? Don’t let muscle soreness or tightness hold you back from reaching your full potential. Sign up for a session today and embark on a journey towards enhanced athletic recovery and peak performance. Your body deserves the care and attention it needs to thrive. Invest in yourself and unlock the power of massage for a stronger, fitter, and more resilient you.

Transform your recovery. Elevate your performance.
Book your session now! (just enter the correct amount. I will respond to schedule a time within 24hrs)
30 min session – $80
60 min session – $150
75 min session – $180
90 min session – $205
25% off 60 min or more for Breakfast Club members

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